It sounds like a simple task, really; fill up the can and pour some water over the top. For the sake of the plant’s health, there is a bit more to it than meets the eye. How to know when your plant needs watered can be tricky, but healthy watering methods are key to a thriving plant. Here are the 5 most important things you need to know about watering your houseplants.
1. Know your plant's watering frequency.
The number one, absolute most critical piece of advice for novice plant parents to keep in mind is that it is best to underwater than over-water. Put it this way: dehydration takes time but drowning is quick. Plants have an easier time recovering if they are thirsty than if they have taken on too much and drown.
Scale back on your watering and increase as needed until you know your plant's schedule. This may even be true of established plants as they experience new seasons, depending on the humidity levels and temperature.
2. Be sure that the water temperature is appropriate.
When you go to take a shower, I bet you check the water temperature with your fingers or toes before jumping in. This is the same that we should be doing for our plants. Make certain that your water is not scalding hot or ice cold so as not to shock them.
Typically, room temperature water is the safest bet.
3. Check your water quality.
Most of our taps are supplied by either city water or well water. City water can have added chemicals (such as fluoride) that our plants are sensitive to. On the other hand, well water can be full of minerals or bacteria that can cause root rot. Don't assume that your water is appropriate for your plants.
If your plants are experiencing chemical burns as indicated by dry tips, try swapping your water out for distilled water, leaving your water to rest for 24-48 hours before using, or collecting rain water (if your jurisdiction allows this).
4. Use pots with drainage holes, always.
That cute little pot that says "aloe ways love you" without the drainage holes is about to make a liar out of your plant real quick if it doesn't have proper drainage. Plants that cannot drain become drowned, and... see point number one above.
Don't do this to yourself. Just buy pots with drainage or utilize an insert.
5. Water your plants thoroughly.
Anytime you water your plants, you should always water them through and then allow them to drain properly from the bottom. It can be easier to do this in a sink or the bathtub for larger plants. If they are not dripping through the bottom, they are not fully saturated and this could be why they are needing watered more frequently than they should. Typically, you should water thoroughly and then let them fully dry out in between, but this will vary by plant.
You can always check to see how dry the plant is by using a plant moisture meter.
Happy Watering!